The Music


I don't know what's got into Chopin's mind when he wrote Nocturne in E flat major, but it surely was not something from hell. Each time I heard a piano played the tune, I felt like I was out of this world. Flying.

'Ecstatic' is the word I learned from Hillary Duff =) Well, at least I learn something, hehehe...

Sering terkagum-kagum ama pencipta lagu (yang musiknya bergizi tentunya), gimana mereka bisa dapet nada-nada itu. Gw pribadi percaya klu alam sendiri sbenernya menghasilkan 'musik'nya sendiri. Dalam musik pan ada yang disebut tempo... nah liat deh pergerakan benda-benda yang ada di sekeliling kita. Beberapa ada yang temponya teratur, beberapa ada yang improvisasi dengan tiba-tiba muncul trus ilang en muncul lagih dst... Blum the sound of the nature itself.

Pernah merinding waktu nonton Twillight Orchestra... Waktu itu gw berpikir if heaven is all about beauty then there must be a greater music than here in this life... Klu orkestra yg gw tonton aja udah bikin merinding, gmana musik yg bakal didenger di sorga...

Jd homesick... Pulang dulu ah.


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